Inspire NextGen

About Us

Inspire NextGen is a 501(c)(3) non-profit started by Pareeni Shah. This non-profit focuses on providing tutoring and mentoring to refugee students from all around the world. We provide help and guidance for students aged 5-14, and focus on the elementary and middle school grade levels.

Board of Directors

Pareeni Shah

Marketing Director
Caitlyn Sell

Our Background

Inspire NextGen was started in 2020 by a high school student who was focusing on providing help to refugee students who have fewer educational opportunities. From the start of this organization to now, the numbers of Inspire NextGen volunteers involved has increased by over 3 times the amount and Inspire NextGen now tutors / mentors refugee students from multiple states across the nation.

Our Partnerships

Allen GirlUp

Allen GirlUp is a chapter of the greater UN GirlUp organization at Allen High School. This club strives to empower young women around the world through service and education. Allen GirlUp has been a pivotal part in Inspire NextGen’s story, being the first platform for us to employ our tutoring services to children in Fort Worth, Texas. 


The UNI-FYSS organization are a group of low-income and international students that attend the nation’s top universities. Their mission is to help low-income and first generation high school students also attend the elite universities of the US. This partnership provides a link between refugee students from Inspire NextGen that can be helped through their high school career and to college.
Allen UN GirlUp